- Capacity: 1 Tonne
- Lifting Height: Any Height depeneding on Customer Needs
- Drive : Friction Drive Fibres
- Prime Mover 10 H.P. Electric Motor with Strater or 10 H.P. Diesel Engine
- Trolley Speed 30 mt/min
- Wire Rope 11 mm usha Martin Make
- Drive from Prime Motor Chain drive or Belt drive
- Size of Mast Angle 65 x 65 x 6 mm angle suitably braced by 35 X 35 X 6mm Angle
- Wire rope pulley: heavy duty 9" OD Deep Groope Bearing and type.
- Plat Form: MADE OUT OF 50 x 50 x 6mm Angle and of Size 5' X 3.5'
- Break Lining: 12 mm Thick Heavy Duty Induastrial Type With copper Rivets
- Rollers: Bottom and Top Rollers Fixed with Ball Bearing for Long Life and smooth Moving of plot Form.
Salient Features:
- It is designed to Suit Motor or Engine or Both depends upon customer needs
- It is Mounted on 4 nos of C.I Wheels for easy Shifting.
- All the rolling parts are fixed with ball and tapper roller bearings.
- All the Mating parts are provided with Grease cups and Grease Nipple.
- First Quality Fibre's and brake linings are used.